Landscape Designer and Digital Media Artist
I am a third year MLA student in the University of Tennessee School of Landscape Architecture. Aside from my studies, I am a Graduate Research Assistant studying potential economies, futures, and land uses in the rural landscapes of Tennessee.
In spring 2023, I was awarded the Aubrey Dean Knott Memorial Scholarshop Endownment for my work in computational design utilizing grasshopper, python, and blender. I believe that computational workflows can be incorporated throughout multiple project typologies allowing the designer to seamlessly move between physical, digital, and parametric design. As an undergraduate, I fostered a passion for ecological landscape design/management, native plant communities, and restoration while pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Plant Sciences. I had the opportunity to work as a Research Assistant in the University of Tennesssee’s Controlled Environment Plant Physiology Lab where I conducted research on the effect of different controlled environments on plant physiology and morphology. My undergraduate studies culminated in being published in multiple papers and an oral presentation at the American Society of Horticultural Science National Conference. These experiences along with work in landscape management at the Knoxville Botanical Garden have given me a multifaceted approach to landscape that ranges from scripting, to modeling, to integrated pest management. Upon graduation I seek employment in socially, ecologically, and culturally dynamic practice.